Enhancing Blockchain, Internet of Things, and Cloud Security Through Advanced Cryptographic Techniques and Threat Mitigation Strategies


  • Raj Mohankumar Cloud analyst Author


IoT security, cloud security, Blockchain security, cryptographic techniques, cyber threats, threat mitigation, distributed ledger, cybersecurity frameworks


The rapid expansion of digital infrastructure has made blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing indispensable. However, their widespread adoption has also introduced unprecedented cybersecurity threats. This paper explores the integration of advanced cryptographic techniques and threat mitigation strategies to enhance the security of these technologies. A comprehensive literature review evaluates existing security frameworks, emphasizing the need for novel cryptographic models to address vulnerabilities in distributed ledger systems, IoT networks, and cloud environments. The paper further presents data-driven insights, security models, and recommendations for fortifying these ecosystems against cyber threats.


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How to Cite

Raj Mohankumar. (2025). Enhancing Blockchain, Internet of Things, and Cloud Security Through Advanced Cryptographic Techniques and Threat Mitigation Strategies. International Journal of Advanced Research in Cyber Security, 6(2), 7-14. https://ijarc.com/index.php/journal/article/view/IJARC.6.2.2